Goals and Outcomes

Welcome to Shalom Tots!

We believe the fun, excitement and meaning of Judaism begins as your child begins to develop.  Watch your child explore the Jewish traditions and relish the holidays at Shalom Tots! 

Circle Time
We begin every session with an interactive circle time.
The children sing playful songs to familiar and traditional tunes.
Watch how we become experts at our new songs for circle time!

Before each holiday we explore the story behind the holiday in a fun and interactive way. We learn the songs of the holiday and create crafts related to that holiday.

Hebrew - Adventure With Alef 
Each week a new letter is introduced as a family member to our special community. For example, Ima the Alef, baby the Bet and safta the Vet!

We incorporate multi-sensory activities related to each letter as well as explore the letter using our five senses. For example, we smelled basil and tasted banana for our friend “Bet”.

The children then decorate their letters in the workbook, trace and find the new letter and complete the page in the acclaimed “Alef is for Apple” curriculum workbook.

What are you waiting for? Enroll here!